Documenting a great karate weekend

I think I shot about 5,000 photos last weekend between the KC Challenge karate tournament and the Black Belt Extravaganza. I like the action shots, but my favorites are the moments that happen in between the action, the quiet heartfelt hugs, respectful bows, and smiles, lots and lots of smiles.

Sharing my photos makes me happy. I read somewhere that when you post on social media, every time someone “likes” your post, you get a rush of endorphin as strong as when you work out. I believe it. So I’ll keep sharing if you’ll keep liking and we’ll all have that warm buzz of feeling happy.

They’re just so darn cute!

I was treated to a double dose of sweetness this week when I visited Operation Breakthrough on Tuesday to photograph the kids, and again on Thursday, when I went on a scavenger hunt with the Circle of Friendship Auxiliary group. I was paired with the absolute cutest little boy named Kei’mon. He took me around the center as we gathered puzzle pieces then he curled up in my lap as I read him a book. If anyone has time to volunteer time or funds for this organization, you will be rewarded with hugs and smiles. It is well worth the time. 

A Mothy Day

I taught my photojournalism students one of the Laws of Photography today. If you do not stop and take a photo that appears in front of you, the photo Gods will curse you and it will be awhile before another photo presents itself. That was my excuse for being a minute late to class today, anyway. And I had photos to prove it. A moth was plastered to my windshield among the dew drops, so naturally, I had to take some photos. I decided to post the bluish background one on Instagram because I liked seeing the detail in the antennae, but Henry said he definitely liked the one where you could see the crystals. So we had a discussion about editing, too.

When I arrived back home, I was rewarded for my attention to the Laws of Photography. There on the front door was another moth. This one looked awesome from both sides. What a delightfully mothy day!

Gratitudes with a serving of positivity

Cupcakes by Margie, sounds like a business, doesn’t it?

Started the morning by writing my list of gratitudes. As I thought about the positivity shared with me by friends who met me for coffee, lunch or dinner (Kebra, Teri, Stacy, Steve and Jerome, Tamra and Christie, to name a few) it struck me that many of my positive connections these days revolve around food. Food is an ice breaker. It helps you start a conversation that may be difficult. By sharing food, it opens our hearts to sharing other things: problems, joys, dreams. And sharing and talking about these things is helpful and healing.

So to everyone who has shared food and drink with me lately, I am grateful for your positivity, encouragement and strength. And, to everyone else? I have a few lunch dates open this week if you want to give me a call!